The site has been full of lots of crazy this past year, enough crazy to make it difficult as hell to figure out what is really going on around here.  So, here is a brief rundown to help you out.

First of all, Tyler has been hard at work on two brand new, never-before-seen shorts. Both projects were written, directed, shot, and edited by Tyler and are perhaps our purest realization of what I call Tylermedia.

The first short, Richard, is being plugged on our homepage as we speak. The image used was at the center of a controversy within Tyler’s own mind, that resulted in his latest insane posting rampage on the site (documented here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and the controversial conclusion). It’s a updated retelling of a short that Tyler did in his youth.  It is getting some final tweaking, then it will be cut loose upon the world.

The second short is entitled Night of the Invisible Man and is about exactly what the title says.  The special thing about this little gem is that it will mark a couple of firsts for us: 1) it is our first digital “animated” film, and 2) it is our first fully HD short (full 1920 x 1080).  So, stay tuned for that one, which is in the ending stages of post-production (a lot of rendering going on with this one).

As for myself, I have one short in pre-production.  Titled Applied Science, it will be my first directorial effort in 5 years.  The script is done and storyboarded, the actors are ready, and many of the props are chosen.  I need to finalize the location and to determine how to do some of the mechanical effects.  It was put on hold for a big when we planned to work on a feature this fall (see below).  But, I am eager to work on it and, time and money permitting, it will be shot in the next 3 months.

As mentioned above, we had planned on filming (guerilla-style) a low budget action/horror/thriller feature film this fall.  We took some time to deliberate on the story, and, once settled on, I began outlining & writing.  Anyone who follows or has seen the Monkey Ltd Twitter or my Facebook knows that I am still working on this script. So, obviously, we are not shooting yet.  Suffice it to say, I am nearly as anal about my writing as Tyler is about his editing (it is a wonder we get anything done).  But, I am well on my way and we hope to shoot in the spring.

Should we not decide to shoot the feature, we have one other short film that I have written. This short is a indirect tie-in to our other feature-in-progress, Consumed.  Consumed is a dark horror/thriller set in the 1800s, and the script has been recognized in two screenplay competitions (Slamdance and BlueCat) with excellent critiques from both.  The short deals with similar subject matter in the same time period on an abbreviated scale.  Asside from being a good, scary story, it would also serve as a demonstration of what the vision for Consumed is.

In addition to all of that, we have both been working in various ways to promote Monkey Ltd online and get a handle on this wonderful techno-fad known as Social Networking. Blogging, RSS Feeds, MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and anything else we can get a hold of, are all being used and abused to the best and worst of our abilities. We have even talked about doing a regular podcast, which would be hosted on this blog (which is meant as a supplement/link farm for the parent site).  Anything that will bring us closer to our fan, and hopefully allow us to someday use that word in the plural.

So, between working our grown-up jobs and doing normal human activities, we are managing to entertain ourselves if nothing else.  So, if you like our brand of madness, stay tuned: there is more to follow.